Courtney Ford and Brandon Routh’s Superhero Divorce After 17 Years!

Courtney Ford has filed for divorce from Brandon Routh after 17 years together. She cited “irreconcilable differences” and is seeking joint custody of their son, Leo. The couple, who married in 2007, maintained a low profile regarding their relationship on social media. Despite their split, they shared a positive parenting approach.
In a plot twist fit for a TV drama, Courtney Ford, known for her role in ‘Dexter’, has officially filed for divorce from her husband, Brandon Routh, famed for donning the cape in ‘Superman Returns’. The couple, who tied the knot back in 2007, have seemingly hit a bump in the road, with Ford citing “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for their split. The couple shares a 12-year-old son, Leo, and Ford is keen on co-parenting, requesting joint custody. Let’s face it, love is a battlefield and these two are just needing different maps now!
Courtney Ford and Brandon Routh became one of Hollywood’s love stories back in 2007, after a whirlwind three-year romance that began in a bowling alley. Now, after 17 years and one child, their relationship has taken an unexpected turn, leading to Ford filing for divorce. The couple was known for keeping their personal life relatively private, with their social media presence being mostly family-focused. Yet, behind the calm facade, it seems that the superheroic positivity has worn thin, and they are now navigating the choppy waters of separation.
So, there you have it, folks! After 17 years of marriage and some intergalactic adventures, Courtney Ford and Brandon Routh have decided to part ways. They started as a bowling alley romance and have transformed into co-parents, with Ford requesting joint custody of their super-son, Leo. Love sometimes means valiantly trying to juggle it all, but in the end, even superheroes need to hang up their capes. Cheers to new chapters!
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