Justin Chambers Swaps Grey’s Anatomy Scrubs for Darker Role in Accused


Justin Chambers, famed for his role as Alex Karev on Grey’s Anatomy, is diving into darkness with his complex character Tyler in Fox’s Accused. Eager to explore new storytelling vistas, Chambers embraces this opportunity with enthusiasm, leaving behind the predictable for a plot full of surprises. He shares a tense dynamic with co-star Taylor Schilling, spotlighting the importance of teamwork in intense scenes, all while keeping his eye on the quality of storytelling.

Justin Chambers has swapped his trusty scrubs for something far more villainous, stepping away from his beloved role as Dr. Alex Karev on Grey’s Anatomy to embrace the devilishly complex character of Tyler in the Fox drama Accused. “What drew me in was the chance to play someone so different from Alex Karev,” he revealed, eager to shake off that old persona like an overused doctor’s gown. This new role allows him a delightful blend of drama and mischief, and it’s as thrilling as a surprise check on a patient’s chart!

Chambers, who graced Grey’s Anatomy from day one way back in 2005 until 2020 (that’s a lifetime in TV!), is diving into the murky waters of storytelling where quality reigns supreme over quantity. “I really prefer being part of good storytelling, no matter how long it is,” he declared, adding that moving from prime-time prescriptions to darker narratives has been a refreshing change of pace — like trading your bland oatmeal for a spicy curry!

His debut in Accused, based on the British series of the same name, introduces characters with crimes shrouded in mystery as the plot unfolds from their perspective. Chambers will share the stage with Taylor Schilling in an episode titled “April’s Story,” where road rage takes centre stage — a tale we’re all too familiar with, especially during rush hour! “Driving is a privilege, not a right, and that hasn’t changed,” he wisecracked, while revealing that resisting the urge to text urges can feel like a Herculean feat.

As for his character Tyler, he’s apparently not winning any awards for congeniality. Chambers described him as being steeped in turmoil: drug addiction, crumbling marriage, and a nasty habit of letting material things dictate his worth. “When playing unsympathetic characters, I look for something human — some vulnerability or fear driving their actions,” he mused, sounding like he’d be a terrific therapist for mentally troubled souls.

Chambers had nothing but praise for Schilling, calling her a talented team player who makes every intense moment pop. “She’s all about teamwork and embraces the physical demands,” he said, perhaps imagining their scenes as a theatrical wrestling match rather than acting. He also hinted he’d love to return for a re-appearance in his wily role, likening each episode to a mini-movie. “It felt like shooting a small film,” he quipped, clearly loving every intense moment.

Catch Accused on Fox every Tuesday night at 9 p.m. ET, and don’t miss the chance to see Chambers flex his acting chops in this gritty new role!

Chambers’ shift from Grey’s Anatomy to Accused is a bold and thrilling leap into complex characters and storytelling. His excitement to portray a darker persona and tackle real issues in a fresh narrative is evident. With a dynamic performance alongside talented co-stars, Chambers is setting himself up for a new chapter full of drama and depth, proving that sometimes stepping out of the familiar can lead to the most rewarding adventures.

Original Source: www.usmagazine.com

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